Friday, December 31, 2010

Infernal Machines

The future is upon us. Only, the machines aren't going to kill us by direct means, oh no. What will happen is that ordinary consumers' heads will explode when they realize how much money they have spent on machines that they have no clue how to operate. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAA! *COUGH*

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I might be preaching to choir here, but....

Whatever you do, don't commit crimes during the season of peace. Not only are you probably creating extra bad karma for yourself, but if you get caught, you will reap the whirlwind of a criminal justice system that is in slow motion due to all the people using their vacay time at the same time, just in time for you to have to wait in the pokey until after New Year's before your case really gets under way. So whatever you were thinking of doing, reconsider. For so many reasons, it's just not worth it.