Take the month of December. I have a dear relative who has a December birthday. A number of well-meaning people gave him money for his birthday and for Christmas. To most people, especially during these hard times, that is a gift of thoughtful trust. Unfortunately to a meth addict, even one in recovery, it is a gift that looks an awful lot like a score. In the case of my relative, whom I'll call Darryl, it proved too great to resist. Darryl is now reining merry havoc on everyone who gave him the cash. Joy to the world. When a meth addict goes on a bender they're not difficult to find, because they tend to find everyone they know and get shouty. They kind of look like the dudes from Scanners, only without a synth soundtrack announcing their imminent tweaking, and not so much with the telekinesis as with the physical throwing of things. Property damage often ensues. Peace on Earth, good will toward men.
So, word to the wise: gift certificates. That's not to say that a determined addict won't find a way to trade that for drugs, but it looks less like a potential hit than the cash does.